
After earning her degree in architecture from Cornell University, Travis Clifton embarked on a design career in Chicago, where she has been practicing interior architecture and design for over thirty-five years. Before founding her own firm in 2005, Travis worked at several leading design firms, including ISD Incorporated, Carlos Martinez & Associates, and Gary Lee Partners.

Throughout her extensive career, Travis has designed distinctive furniture products, created high-quality interior spaces for corporate, retail, and residential clients, and provided strategic visioning and creative direction to various contract furniture manufacturers. She brings to every project her artist’s eye, rigorous analytical problem-solving skills, and a genuine joy in connecting with others. Travis firmly believes that at the heart of any exceptional design is a strong concept, whether that lies in the intricate details of a product or the overall vision of a space. This philosophy continually guides her work as she listens, synthesizes, and breathes life into new designs that are both imaginative and thoughtfully executed.

Photo of Natalie Baker
Photo of Natalie Baker
Photo of Natalie Baker
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Travis was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, in a modern home filled with Southern art. Her love for design and manufacturing traces back to her early childhood memories: walking through her dad’s workshop garage where he moonlighted as a furniture maker, being mesmerized by the large printing presses at the manufacturing plant where her mom sold printing, and sitting on the floor of her Marimekko bedroom, drawing for hours upon hours.

When she’s not designing, Travis finds joy in gardening, cooking, and practicing art, with a focus on printmaking and ceramics. She delights in the mystery of a seed pushing its way through the soil, in the unique textures, colors, and aromas that can be discovered in her kitchen, and the joy of finding the unexpected come to life when pulling a monotype or discovering what the kiln gods have to offer. Her personal artwork projects breathe life into her professional design work, creating a deep connection between her passions and her career.

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Let's connect

I love hearing from manufacturers, creative partners, and individuals interested in exploring new opportunities together.


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design