HBF New York Flagship Showroom

Travis partnered with HBF in the design of their new flagship showroom in New York. Through the strategic use of furniture layout and fabric and finish selection, she created distinct zones to tell various application stories. Challenged with storytelling in an expansive open space, Travis has successfully crafted an atmosphere that captures HBF’s vibrant energy.


Interior Design


In the Atrium area, a communal lounge welcomes visitors with a variety of seating options that accommodate various postures.

A brand gallery on a raised platform features furniture upholstered in similar tones, silhouetted against a New York City skyline.

The careful selection of texture and tone of each HBF textile plays to the mood and form of each piece, creating a captivating visual narrative that invites exploration.

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1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design


1322 Oakton St.
Evanston, IL 60202

© 2024 Travis Clifton Design